Thursday, July 17, 2008

To be or not to be...pissed that is.

I am a good wife.
I am kind.
I am caring.
I am considerate.
I agree to live in a frat house so that my husband and I can save money for a house.
I put up with the bitching that everything isn't unpacked yet (never mind that we haven't MOVED everything yet).
I cater to my husband's inner geek and allow him his "game night" where a bunch of his rapidly approaching middle aged friends get together and roll dice and some other crap I don't understand while I sit in my room watching a crappy chick flick forgetting the fact that I have no friends. And I DON'T say anything when the geeks decide to break out the poker set and play what is arguably my passion in life and something my husband could give too shits about...and NOT invite me,


I am a good kind caring and compassionate wife who understands that his husband needs time with his friends and that too much togetherness is not happy-making. I am living in a fairly nice and spacious home ten minutes for my job with friends of Ian's who have adopted me and who i greatly appreciate. i am getting some alone time to watch a chick flick that I have desperately wanted to see and Ian would suffer through only for the after-movie chick flick inspired sex. I don't want to play cards with a bunch of nasty boys, and I have friends, tonight I elected to stay home and catch up on some "me" time.

You decide.

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