Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Wild Out Wednesday

Hello everyone what's new? :)

Today is "Wild Out Wednesday" as one of my less balanced clients used to say. Actually, it's just the night that Ian goes out to hang out with the boys and I get to hang out with no bra. I just wish there was better television.

Work has been slow this week, so I got out early. I had to see Doc Hollywood about a cyst that's been bothering me. He did his voodoo and gave me a lecture on stress management. He also gave me some meditation techniques that were elementary and mildly helpful. Then he gave me this little gem of a tip...

When you have a cyst the best non-medical thing to do is bring it to a head. Gross, I know. It will take care of yourself, and then you don't have to go through what I went through today. To do this you apply hot compresses. I did this, it didn't help much. Where's the gem you say? Instead of using a wash cloth you use a wet piece of hot bread. Yep, hot soggy bread wrapped in a paper towel. Holds the heat better. I tried it before...felt like Bill Nye the Science Guy.

In other news, I'm finishing the paperwork for my professional license. I tried to get my exact date of graduation from a county college I attended a trillion (ok 5) years ago. They turned me onto It was simple to use and I got my exact dates of attendance, status for each semester (full/half time) and date of graduation and degree earned. It was easier than digging through my records, and they only charged me a minimal convenience fee.

Ian is still looking for work, but things are progressing. Everyone keep their fingers crossed. I don't want to be homeless before I have a home!

I joined a book club, but more about that later. More later about the fact that Dumbledore is gay too...I have some things to say on that. More later on a lot of things...I'm going to go find some chocolate. WILD OUT WOMEN!!!!